Continuous Improvement Planning

The Plainfield Public School District's strategic planning process empowers stakeholders, like parents, students, district employees, BOE members to collaboratively shape the future of our school district.

On an annual basis, our district and community become partners in creating a 3-5 year plan to improve or enhance the experience of students in our school district. This shared sense of ownership empowers the Plainfield Public School System to overcome obstacles and to unlock the unlimited potential of our students.



PPS Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP)

The Plainfield Public Schools Three Year Continuous school plan is designed to clearly communicate to our community the goals of the Plainfield Public School System and to share our strategies meeting the needs of our students.  The CIP is comprised both of Theory of Action Statements (TOA) and High Leverage strategies.


PPS Focus Areas 2023-2024

Our “Focus Areas” document is an expansion of our Continuous Improvement Plan and serves to clearly communicate specific outcomes connected to strategies identified in the CIP.  It is designed to be easily understood by teachers, parents, students and community members.


PPS Learning Focus Areas 2023-2024

The Learning Focus areas is developed to clearly identify the professional develop focus areas which support the CIP.  The template utilized is an adoption of Learning Forward’s “Community of Practice” focused templates.  


PPS District Technology Plan

The PPS Technology plan has been developed by our District technology taskforce in partnership with the CSDE and regional technology leaders. The plans purpose is to clearly outline how best practices in instructional technology will be adopted and supported in Plainfield classrooms

PPS Capital Improvement Plan

The Capital Improvement Plan is a multi-year plan that identifies capital needs which will benefit the students of Plainfield Public Schools. The projects are listed as proposed in a 5-year fiscal cycle.  These projects are derived from the work of the Plainfield Public School Capital Improvement Committee.  On an annual basis the Capital Improvement team partners with town staff, and elected officials, to walk thoron our facilities together develop a long-term plan of suggested projects.

ESSA - School Profile